About me


I enjoy sharing my knowledge of cooking, especially from the Puglia region. I pay particular attention to the quality of ingredients and authenticity. Up until a few months ago, I practiced as an architect, but I have since shifted my focus to pursue my passion in the culinary world, particularly in the art of making fresh pasta.

I was fortunate to have grown up in a family with strong farming traditions. From my father, I learned to identify wild herbs, and from my mother, I learned how to cook them. My grandfather had a tavern in the 1920s, and his nickname was "Spigadolce." I dedicate this website to him.

The seasonality of products and their preservation are of fundamental importance to avoid resorting to greenhouse-grown products. Often, we take great care of the external appearance of our bodies but less so of what we consume every day to nourish it.

The Mediterranean diet is a cornerstone of healthy eating worldwide, and I am a strong advocate of it.

Called my company "Spigadolce" in homage to my grandparents and great-grandparents, carrying on their nickname which was, in fact, Spigadolce. In my hometown, my grandfather was known more by this nickname than by his surname.

My mother told me stories about my great-grandparents who owned a “fleet” of horse-drawn wagons. They transported wheat from Puglia to Basilicata, hence the nickname Spigadolce. This nickname, which in English means "Sweet Spike", not only alludes to the sweetness of the ear of corn but also to the precious heritage and sweet memories associated with my ancestors.

My grandfather inherited this nickname and together with my grandmother, they ran a tavern in our village in the 1920s. Calling my business Spigadolce is a way to honor their memory and the values they have passed down from generation to generation. It reflects the essence of my family's history and its deep connection to the land, agriculture, and the simple but profound joy of sharing and community.